Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Allah (SWT) will question us on the Day of Judgment

People will be question, on the Day of Judgment:

You will asked about "Laa Ilaaha Illallah" ( To believe in One God)
[Narrated by Tirmidhi]

"The first thing which the servant will be questioned about on the Day of Resurrection."
[Narrated by Tirmidhi]

About those under their care:
"O believers! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire, whose fuel is mankind and stones."
[Surah Al-Tahreem, 66:6]

"Every one of you is a guardian, and every one of you will be asked about those in his care."

The man a guardian over his family, and will be questioned about those in his care.

The woman is a guardian over her husband's house, and be questioned about that her care.

The servant is a guardian over his master's property, and will be questioned for that in his care."
[Narrated by: Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

About the bodily organs:
"Do not follow that which you have no knowledge of (your) hearing, sight and heart - you will be questioned about all of them."
[Surah Al-Isra, 17:36]

About delight:
"Then, you shall be questioned on that day about delight."
[Surah Al-Takhathur, 102:8]

About Intentions:
"Those who desire the life of the Present and its glitter-to them We shall pay (the price of) their deeds therein without diminution. They are those for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but the Fire: vain are the designs they frame therein, and of  no effect are the deeds that they do!"
[Surah Hud, 11:15-16]

In a long hadith narrated by Muslim, we are told that the men whose cases shall be judged first on the Day of Resurrection shall be a man who was martyred, a man who acquired knowledge and taught it and who recited the Holy Qur'an and a man to whom Allah (SWT) had been generous and given many varieties of wealth. These men will acknowledge Allah (SWT) favors upon them, and will claim that they did these for His sake. They will exposes as liars, for they did not do these for the sake of Allah (SWT). The man who was martyred had been fighting in order to be called brave, the scholar or reciter of the Qur'an had acted thus in order to gain a reputation. Since deeds are according to their intentions, these people received what they had sought these deeds, and so they will not receive reward for them on the Day of Judgment. Hence they will be dragged into Hell.

There are four questions which everyone must face: "The feet of a servant will not move on the Day of Resurrection until he has been questioned about [Four things]:
[Narrated by Tirmidhi]

Four Question:
  1. His Life - How he spent it.
  2. His Knowledge - How much he acted upon it.
  3. His Wealth - Where he earned it and how he spent it.
  4. His Body - How he used it.

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