Alaikum to all sister in Islam, and to all readers, May Allah (SWT)
touch your heart and understand how Allah (SWT) teaches us from doing
right, and do good deeds.
Please read and understand this is very important topic for your own soul.
I learned this subject about 18 years ago in Kuwait while I'm studying the "DAY OF JUDGMENT"
IPC Islamic Center in Kuwait
By: Sister Zenaib
Our topic is about How The Hereafter Will Start:
The Qur'an teaches that life is but a test for man to see whether or not he will follow the commands of Allah (SWT).
Allah says: "It is He Who created life and death to test which of you is best in conduct."
Allah (SWT) created us to make our resistance go through three phases:
1. Spiritual Phase - Beginning of creation, Allah (SWT) created our spirit since from the beginning of His creation. WE don't know when and where...
Allah (SWT) told in the Holy Qur'an Sura (The Heights)
"Am I not your Lord (who cherishes and sustains you)?"
They said: "Yea! we do testify (This), lest ye should say on the Day of Judgment.
(Sura A'raaf, 7:172)
2. Worldly Life Phase - When Allah (SWT) command the angels to blow the fetus to our parents (mother wombs) after 4 months - one the spirit blow to the fetus he will become human beings. The most important phase of our life, we shall be staying here in this world with appointed term. We cannot stay here forever and we shall put into trials by good and evils, and we shall remain here in specific time. According to this phase our deeds and faith will determined in the eternal life.
Allah (SWT) says, "It is He Who created life and death to test which of you is best conduct."
"Every soul shall taste of death then unto us you shall return."
DEATH - is the end of our existence this life but it is the beginning of our eternal life.
3. Eternal Phase - We shall live there forever. It will start right away after the soul reaches in his throat. Death come, when we have no control our soul reaches in his throat even at this time a certain stage of death hereafter will start.
Al-Barzakh - Barier between life of this world and eternal life.
The Muslim believe that after death our soul will keep waiting for the beginning of Hereafter.
(Day of Judgment) while waiting they are being tortured some sad and some are happy.
[Related Sahih Muslim]
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