Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dua #4

Oh Allah! Make the beginning of this day good,
The middle prosperous, and the end successful.
I ask You to grant me the good of this world,
And of the hereafter.
O most merciful of all who show us mercy!

Oh Allah! You are my Lord.
None has the right to be worship but you.
You created me and am your slave, 
And I am faithful to my covenant 
And my promise (to you) as much as I can.

I seek refuge with You from all all the evil I have done.
I acknowledge before You all the blessings 
You have bestowed upon me, 
And I confess to you all my sins.
So I entreat You to forgive my sins, 
For nobody can forgive sins except You.

Oh Allah! remove the harm, Oh Lord of mankind!
Heal this ailment
And You are the ONE Who heals.
There is no healing except YOURS.

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