Monday, June 13, 2016

8th Day Of Ramadan

Assalam walaikum to all my brothers and sisters in Islam, and to all readers, this is your chance to learn Islam the month of Ramadan, the month of Mercy. Allah (SWT) touched my soul this month of Ramadan.

 The month I started learning Islam and understand the Oneness of God Almighty.

Understand what is right being a person what we want for our soul, in order for us to enter Paradise.
 I remember being a child my dream is only to enter Paradise. 
Islam is the only answer of that question and willingness of my desire.

The Prophet (SAW) said:

"The one who recites Surah Iklas till he completes it Ten times (10X), a palace will be built for him in Paradise".

"Umar (R.A.) said:

"Oh Rasulallah, then I will recite it abundantly".

The Prophet (SAW) said:

Allah ta'ala is more Generous and more Kind".
[Musnad Ahmad]

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim,

Qul Hu-wallaahu 'Ahad;


Lam yalid, wa lam yuulad;

Walam yakul-la-huu kufuwan 'ahad.


In the Name of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Say: He is Allah the One;

Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

And there is none like unto Him.
[Surah Al-Iklas, 112:1-4]

In sha Allah,  we are all together in one palace in Paradise. Ameen.

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